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Список исследований

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Research Accomplishment Record

Partial trapeziectomy and surture-button suspensionplasty for the treatment of thumb carpometacarpal joint arthritis
Dongmin Kim(김동민), In-Cheul Choi
Archives of Hand and Microsurgery
수부 및 미세신경수술, 팔꿈치 및 손목관절, 족부 및 족관절, 고관절 및 외상
How I do It: L5/S1 foraminal stenosis and far-lateral lumbar disc herniation with unilateral bi-portal endoscopy.
Park JH1(박재현), Jung JT2, Lee SJ3.
Acta Neurochirurgica
경추•요추 디스크, 척추협착증, 퇴행성척추질환, 최소침습 척추수술, 척추 내시경 (biportal endoscopic spine surgery)
Long-term follow-up and survivorship of single-radius, posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty
Moon Jong Chang, Sangyeon So(소상연), Chan-Deok Park, Jai Gon Seo, Young-Wan Moon
Journal of Orthopaedic Science(SCI급)
슬관절, 인공관절
Evaluation of Healing After Medial Meniscal Root Repair Using Second-Look Arthroscopy, Clinical, and Radiological Criteria
Lee SS, Ahn JH, Kim JH, Kyung BS(경봉수), Wang JH.
American Journal of Sports Medicine(SCI)
슬관절, 스포츠의학, 관절경수술, 인공관절
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